The word “artist” might conjure images of someone with a paintbrush or a saxophone, but artistry is far broader. It’s about thinking differently, challenging norms, and finding new solutions.
In business, artistry isn’t optional—it’s a competitive edge.
Kids naturally embody this spirit, creating freely and fearlessly. Yet as adults, we often suppress it.
What if you treated your next spreadsheet, presentation, or strategy session as your canvas?
Awaken your inner artist, and you’ll unlock breakthroughs you didn’t think possible.
The Lexicon of Creativity
Creativity and innovation are often used interchangeably, but understanding the difference can unlock your potential.
Imagination is the spark—dreaming up something entirely new. Creativity builds on that spark by adding value and meaning. Innovation takes it a step further, making it useful and impactful.
The transition from imagination to creativity to innovation isn’t automatic; it requires deliberate effort, judgment, and courage.
To innovate, start by giving yourself permission to imagine. From there, refine your ideas into something meaningful—and then find ways to make them practical. That’s how real change happens.

Creativity hack: start a test kitchen.
Shake Shack’s Innovation Kitchen is a reminder that creativity thrives in environments where risk is embraced, not avoided.
Testing a hot dog with sparkling wine and caviar may sound outlandish, but it’s this willingness to explore the unconventional that sets them apart.
Every profession needs its own version of a test kitchen—a space to explore, fail, and refine without fear of judgment.
By embracing experimentation as a standard practice, you create a culture where breakthroughs aren’t just possible—they’re inevitable.

Think like a beginner.
Great artists aren’t defined by what they know but by their ability to see the world through fresh eyes.
The beginner’s mind, as celebrated in Zen philosophy, invites us to abandon the safety of expertise and lean into curiosity. It’s tempting to rely on past successes, but that comfort zone often becomes a trap, limiting our capacity to grow.
The founder of Judo, Jigoro Kano, chose to be buried in his white belt. It wasn’t just a statement of humility—it was a reminder that true mastery lies in the ability to remain teachable.
To awaken your artist within, let go of rigid traditions and welcome the discomfort of new beginnings.

To your creative success…

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About Josh
Josh Linkner is a New York Times bestselling author, serial entrepreneur, venture capital investor, professional jazz guitarist, and a globally recognized innovation expert. To learn more or to explore a collaboration, visit