The Weekly Roundup

Wow Fewer Customers Instead of Trying to Please Them All

When Greg Koch and Steve Wagner founded Stone Brewing, they could have ended up like thousands of start-up failures. They ...

Correct The Overcorrect

When the crooks at Enron, Tyco and Worldcom committed fraud and marred their shareholders with huge losses, the Securities and ...

Feed The Right Wolf

There’s a powerful American Indian fable that has never been more relevant: One evening, an old Cherokee told his grandson ...

7 Tips to Maximize Productivity

We all share a mutual enemy — the 24-hour clock. Considering we each have exactly the same amount of time ...

Go The Distance For Your Calling

Dr. Zenko Hrynkiw is serious about his work. As the only neurosurgeon at Trinity Medical Center in Birmingham, Alabama, he ...

Changing Your Soundtrack

Earlier this month, the 56th annual Grammy ceremony awarded Thomas Newman a Grammy for the score he composed for the ...

Conquering with Humor

There are many ways to fight the people and organizations that are working to hold you back.  Standing up to ...

Getting Better All The Time

In the 1967 Beatles classic, McCartney and Lennon sang a persistent mantra: “It’s getting better all the time.” They contrasted ...

The Zen of Heavy Traffic

Here in Detroit, the arctic weather has delivered one giant mess on the roads. Colleagues of mine have reported downtown ...

Taming Your Nemesis

There’s a good chance you have at least one person in your life that does more harm than good.  Perhaps it’s ...