Keynotes that spark a mindset & movement of everyday creativity, agility & resilience for every box on your org chart from innovation keynote speaker Josh Linkner.

Top Finance Keynote Speaker

Finance is a field that goes far beyond administration. At the core, CFOs, Controllers, VPs of Finance, and other financial leaders are in place to help make better decisions and drive financial performance.

So when it’s time to select a keynote speaker for your upcoming event, you need to make sure the ROI is substantial. You need someone who can energize and transform, inspire and elevate.

A proven leader and CEO for over two decades, Josh Linkner will help you drive meaningful outcomes with his extensive experience and unique perspective in hyper-growth leadership and finance.

In addition to being an award-winning entrepreneur, Josh Linkner is a venture capitalist. As the founding partner of Detroit Venture Partners, he has significant depth of knowledge and experience in the financial arena. He understands the language, thought-processes, and best practices of the finance function and has worked with CFOs, bankers, and investors on numerous complex financial transactions. Accordingly, Josh has the experience to not only fire up your team, but also drive real results for your audience. Unlike other speakers who lack real-world experience, Josh brings decades of financial management and performance to the stage.

Linkner has delivered powerful keynotes for many finance-related events. He’s given talks for large accounting firms, CFO conferences, banking events, insurance and risk management conferences, even public-sector finance events. He is an ideal fit for audiences of financial professionals, since he brings a balance of practical finance experience combined with the drive and creativity of entrepreneurship.


With extensive, personal, and direct experience as a proven leader, there is no better choice for a keynote for you upcoming event. Linkner’s deep knowledge of finance trends and best practices, combined with real-world experience as a veteran CEO, makes him the ideal keynote speaker for your group.


Josh Linkner has helped millions of people become everyday innovators at leading companies.

“ blue

Amazing, energizing, entertaining, humorous, and actionable learnings, things we can do right away. Josh created just the right finish and exclamation point in our program.”

Josh Linkner lays out a roadmap that guides individuals, teams, and companies to higher levels of creativity. It is a journey that leads to better ideas and breakthrough thinking.”


Managing Director, Intel Security

5 Ways Josh Turns Your Event Up To “11”

sparks a mindset

Sparks a mindset & movement.

His authentic, relatable, research-backed content - with real-world case studies and a high-energy delivery - will inspire your audience to uncover and activate new opportunities every day.


Moves your team into action.

Your audience will not only be energized, motivated, and inspired, they’ll become better equipped with specific tools, frameworks, and techniques to drive meaningful results in the months and years ahead.


Handcrafted, not canned.

Josh takes the time to listen deeply before custom-building a keynote experience just for you. This ensures that every minute is on-point, relevant, and targeted to your unique challenges and opportunities.


Real and accessible.

Josh applies Find A Way™ principles in his everyday work as a leader, venture capitalist, musician, and author. Leaders inspired by his keynote often reach out to him for help finding a way in their everyday work.


Impact - 11, Drama - 0.

Coming from a place of humility and service, Josh believes that a great keynote is about the audience, not the speaker. Meeting professionals often call Josh one of the best keynote speakers to work with.