
December 9, 2024


Clarity on your core values is the foundation for everything else. 

Think of your philosophy as the gravitational pull that keeps your decisions, actions, and outcomes in alignment. 

One of mine is “Give generously, don’t keep score”—a phrase so central to my life that I made it into a T-shirt. 

When you distill your beliefs into a clearly articulated catchphrase, it becomes a guiding light for how you show up in the world. 

For you, what values are so fundamental to your being that you’d put them on a t-shirt? Or a Tattoo? 

Start there, and let everything else radiate from that clarity.

Ditch the New Year’s Resolution. Try this instead.

New Year’s resolutions are inherently flawed—they’re rigid, binary, and often unrealistic. A single misstep feels like a failure, leading most people to give up by February 1.

But the New Year doesn’t have to be about setting yourself up for frustration. Each year, I lock in a “theme” instead of a resolution. 

For me, 2024 was the year of “velocity,” and 2025 is the year to “transcend.” 

Unlike an all-or-nothing declaration, a theme remains strong, even after botching a day.

Skip the fragile resolutions for 2025. Instead, consider an annual theme that intersects your values and the next chapter in your evolution. 

And, of course, your theme will look great on a T-shirt.

Taking Core Values to a Whole New Level

Whole Foods’ rise to prominence is a masterclass in value-driven leadership. 

By staying true to its mission to “nourish people and the planet,” the company created a strong identity that resonated with customers, employees, and communities alike. 

Whether it’s the commitment to banning over 100 harmful ingredients or partnering with microfinance initiatives, Whole Foods’ alignment between mission and action sets it apart and captivates customers.

For leaders, the takeaway is simple: When you let your values lead, every decision becomes clearer, and your impact grows exponentially. 

Are you building your work around your core values, or are you chasing someone else’s playbook?

You are who you’re with.

The New Year offers the perfect moment to reassess not only your goals but also the people who surround you. Just as chemicals can transform one another in a lab, the people in your life have the power to shape your character, drive, and success.

Are you surrounded by those who inspire curiosity, ambition, and creativity? Or are there individuals in your circle who drain your energy and derail your progress? The people closest to you should align with your core values and amplify your potential—not pull you away from it.

This year, take a hard look at your inner circle. Elevate yourself by surrounding yourself with those who reflect the qualities you value most.

To your creative success…


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About Josh

Josh Linkner is a New York Times bestselling author, serial entrepreneur, venture capital investor, professional jazz guitarist, and a globally recognized innovation expert. To learn more or to explore a collaboration, visit

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