“Josh Linkner lays out a powerful and cohesive path to help you drive your own creative disruption.”

Former CEO + Co-Founder, AOL
Chairman + CEO, Revolution
On the Frontlines of Innovation
Venture Capital Fund and Start-Up Studio

For Josh, innovation isn’t just a theoretical construct. Not only a researcher or academic advocate, Josh has been a visionary entrepreneur since he started his first tech company in 1990 at age 20.
Since then, he’s been a driving force behind the launch, financing, and scale of 114 startups (and counting).
Today, Josh is the Managing Partner and co-founder of Muditā Venture Partners, an early-stage venture capital fund that not only invests in companies but also invents them from scratch with its cutting edge start-up studio.

Muditā Studios is the advanced innovation factory within the Fund, inventing hundreds of ideas each year and investing in the ones with the highest promise.
Mudita Studios is the advanced innovation factory within the Fund, inventing hundreds of ideas each year and investing in the ones with the highest promise.
Bold new companies that will shape how we work, learn, and live are being invented and developed under Josh and Muditā’s creative leadership.

"As a fellow entrepreneur who I’ve known for years, Josh has lived the process of leading a hyper-growth organization."
Founder and Former CEO, ExactTarget

Sanskrit (noun).
“Delighting in other people’s success, good fortune, and well-being.”
Muditā Venture Partners
"A venture fund with a soul."
In 2021, Josh and his brother Ethan (also a successful tech entrepreneur) decided to take a fresh approach to venture capital.
Anyone that’s built something from scratch will agree that visionary companies aren't forged from spreadsheets. They’re fueled by passionate founders who are creative, agile, and resilient in their mission to make our crazy world a little bit better. The Muditā team knows firsthand that you don't have to be a raging jerk to drive massive returns. In fact, it's just the opposite.
Muditā took root in Detroit, democratizing entrepreneurship outside the over-hyped saturated hubs of New York, Austin, and San Francisco. You're more likely to see Muditāns (yes, that's a thing) in Wichita, Peoria, or Jacksonville, partnering with scrappy founders to build and scale ideas into extraordinary companies.
On a mission to drive positive impact alongside strong economic results, Josh and the team invest in software companies that challenge conventional thinking, helping to elevate the way we work, learn, and live.
To learn more about Josh’s work at Muditā Venture Partners and Muditā Studios, please visit MuditaVP.com.
To learn more about Josh’s work at Mudita Venture Partners and Mudita Studios, please visit MuditaVP.com.
“Josh Linkner is a truly special entrepreneur; Part of a rare breed.”
Eric Lefkofsky
Co-Founder and Former CEO, Groupon

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