josh linkner

Attack The Problem, Not The Person

“Jim, we’re in this mess because of you!” “I told you we’d lose the client, Jane. This is all your ...

The Road to Reinvention

Dear weekly blog readers... It's hard to believe it has been over three years since the launch of my book ...

What Your Kids Can Teach You About Leadership That Your Boss Cannot

When we think of leadership, we often gravitate toward lessons learned from our bosses (past and present). Generally this practice ...

Four Lessons I Learned From My Mom

As the Mother’s Day brunches and barbeques come to a close, many of us spend a few minutes reflecting on ...

Avoid The Complexity Trap

A marble rolls down a ramp until it triggers a spring that lights a match, which, in turn, ignites a ...

You Lost It: 5 Ways to Get Your Mojo Back

Embarking on something new is the most exciting, energizing feeling in the world. We get fired up and can’t stop ...

What Would MacGyver Do?

In the late 1980s, millions of us tuned in to witness Angus MacGyver’s ability to always find a creative way ...

When? Not If.

In the early days of the Internet, less than 2% of companies had a corporate website. To put your brochure ...

Correct The Overcorrect

When the crooks at Enron, Tyco and Worldcom committed fraud and marred their shareholders with huge losses, the Securities and ...

Feed The Right Wolf

There’s a powerful American Indian fable that has never been more relevant: One evening, an old Cherokee told his grandson ...