The Worst Way to Lose

August 19, 2024


Quitting early isn’t the worst way to lose—it’s stopping just shy of greatness.

Many people do 80% of the work but miss out on most of the rewards because they get comfortable en route.

The top performers push through this seduction in order to savor the biggest returns—whether in money, impact, or growth.

If you’ve already invested so much, consider forging ahead into the rarified territory where legends are born. Push through to that next level, and the rewards will be disproportionately better.

The difference between effort and results.

Imagine waiting for news after a loved one’s surgery.

Your primary concern isn’t how hard the surgeon tried; you care solely about the outcome.

Yet, in our businesses and lives we often justify poor performance by pointing to the effort that’s been put in.

As leaders, it’s crucial to hold ourselves and others accountable for delivering real outcomes, not just exertion.

It’s time to shift from effort to outcomes, from trying to doing. Our communities and businesses deserve tangible results, not just good intentions.

40 tries, then 50 years.


WD-40’s story began with 39 failed experiments before they found success on the 40th try, creating the iconic fix for all things squeaky.

But success led to complacency—it took 50 years to fix the flawed red straw because they feared any additional cost.

Success can trap us in outdated thinking.

To innovate, we must challenge our assumptions and embrace change with the same curiosity we had when we started.

Don’t let success lock your gears—stay adaptable and keep pushing for better solutions to enjoy friction-free success.

Go the extra inch.


During a keynote speech, author Seth Godin asked the audience to raise their hands as high as possible. Then he challenged them to go just one inch higher.

Every hand went up further with ease.

The lesson? Instead of aiming for the overwhelming “extra mile,” focus on the “extra inch.”

It’s practical and powerful.

Whether it’s a small gesture in your work, an extra touch in your personal life, or an added effort in your community, those inches add up.

In a world full of mediocrity, consistently giving that extra inch will set you apart and before the difference-maker.

To your creative success…


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About Josh

Josh Linkner is a New York Times bestselling author, serial entrepreneur, venture capital investor, professional jazz guitarist, and a globally recognized innovation expert. To learn more or to explore a collaboration, visit

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