Words and Ideas Change the World

October 14, 2024


Words change the world when delivered with passion and precision.

From Churchill to Steve Jobs, compelling communication is what sets leaders apart.

Yet, persuasive presentation skills are one of the least trained abilities in business today.

That’s the gap to close. Simon Sinek reminds us: “A great leader’s job is to have a vision and communicate it effectively.”

To reach our full potential and create the biggest impact, it’s time to invest in boosting communication skills—because in the end, powerful words can move mountains.

How to avoid negative thoughts during a crisis.


After two hurricanes wreaked havoc in the southern U.S., the devastation is palpable. 

But beyond the physical damage, there’s a psychological storm brewing: ANTs, or “automatic negative thoughts,” as Dr. Daniel Amen describes them. 

These pests—blaming, labeling, or predicting the worst—can cloud our thinking in crisis. 

The antidote is simple: recognize the thoughts, confront them, and flip them into something constructive. By clearing out the mental clutter, we make space for effective leadership and solutions. 

Reframing negative thoughts won’t erase the damage but will help us face the rebuilding process with a clearer mindset and renewed energy.

Even when you’re a little horse?


Words don’t just inform—they can also inspire change. Iceland’s Tourism Board used humor to make a powerful point: We need to disconnect to truly recharge. 

Their “OutHorse Your Email” campaign, where an Icelandic horse replied to your emails, wasn’t just a PR move—it was a call to rethink our approach to work-life balance. 

The campaign sparked a conversation that reached millions and boosted tourism by 12%. 

It’s a testament to how unconventional ideas, delivered with passion, can shift perspectives and drive real-world outcomes.

A three-step formula to communicate value to customers.


Want to make your words and ideas truly stick? Start by ditching the jargon about what you do and focus on what you deliver

Instead of saying, “We provide corporate travel services,” use the “No More, More, Less” formula: no more surprises, more peace of mind, and less wasted time. 

This way, your message isn’t about you—it’s about the transformation you create. 

Want to use words to inspire change? 

Sit down with your team to define these three promises. That’s how your message becomes less about you, and more about the people you serve.

To your creative success…


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About Josh

Josh Linkner is a New York Times bestselling author, serial entrepreneur, venture capital investor, professional jazz guitarist, and a globally recognized innovation expert. To learn more or to explore a collaboration, visit JoshLinkner.com