Ayal Lanternari was facing the same angst and frustration that millions of other parents endure. His infant son was crying for food in the middle of the night, creating an agonizing moment for both dad and child while the bottle was heating to the proper temperature. Since baby milk can’t be microwaved or heated directly without losing the nutritional value, Ayal counted the seconds for the painfully slow 10-minute warming process of the cold bottle being heated in hot water.

Realizing that millions of people the world over experienced the same stress, Ayal decided to take matters into his own hands. The ubiquitous baby bottle had been the same for generations, but perhaps there was a way to reimagine this family mainstay.
By tossing out conventional wisdom, Ayal’s creativity surfaced. What if he created a bottle that spread the milk out, thereby increasing its surface area to decrease warming time?
So was the humble beginnings of Nanobébé, the Israeli company that is reimagining baby gear. Their new bottle had the radical, new shape of an orange, cut in half and hollowed out. The bottles are stackable to maximize storage space, easier for babies to hold, and can be heated up to 70% faster than their old-school counterparts. The results? Within a couple months of launch, the bottles were regularly selling out. Today they’re widely available online and through major retailers, and have set the new standard for baby bottles.

With no experience in the industry, Ayal changed the game by reimagining. He let go of what was in favor of what could be. Unshackling his mind from traditional thinking, he was able to enter a highly competitive market and win big. Not to mention, making life easier for parents and tots the world over.
Let’s use Ayal’s success as a spark to reimagine in our own businesses. It’s time to forgo incremental thinking in favor of a fresh approach to solve customer pain points. If there’s a challenge your clients are facing, there has to be a bold, creative way to solve it.
Our fundamental job as business leaders is not simply to execute on a previous playbook, but rather to discover better approaches for the future. Reinvent. Retool. Rethink. Rebuild. Rework. When we challenge ourselves to reimagine, we savor sweet success.
Even more delicious than warm milk.