Blog Posts
Quick reads. Powerful Results.
Three Innovations and a Challenge
As the pace of innovation continues to accelerate, bold new creations will pave the way for breakthrough success while disrupting ...
The Batman Effect
In an important battle to defeat the evil Lex Luthor, you can’t imagine Superman sitting it out because he’s feeling ...
Become a ‘First Responder’ to Blaze Past Your Competitors
In emergency situations, the brave men and woman who race to the scene save lives. They respond with burning urgency, ...
Stand Up and Stand Out
A recent employer asked job seekers the following riddle: “You are driving along in your car on a wild, stormy ...
Forget Resolutions. Try This Instead
Each January, millions of people resolve to a slew of lofty commitments. We resolve to save more, eat less, improve ...
31 Tips to Reach Your Next Level of Greatness
We're all trying to reach that next level of greatness – in our careers, families, and communities. But in today’s ...
The Ferris Bueller Trap
As individuals in the developed world, we each make around 30,000 decisions per day, according to fellow author and keynote ...
The Quality Shared by Detroit, Finland, and the Best Entrepreneurs
In the first week of 1940, the Finnish Army remarkably advanced into Russia and seized territory while at the same ...
A 4-Step Formula to Create Freakishly Loyal Customers
We each have that one company we’ve hired that is absolutely fantastic. It may be your landscaper, favorite restaurant, retail ...