After I graduated college, I launched my second business – Innovative Computer Solutions. We sold computer hardware and provided networking and other computer-related services. After 11 months of business, I was doing well. But as Jim Collins likes to say, “Good is the enemy of great.”
In 1994 the computer world was in the midst of massive upheaval. And an introspective look in the mirror revealed a company that was on the path to mediocrity. I was making money and winning clients, but our products and services were a commodity. A me-too player. And let’s face it… the world doesn’t need another me-too player. The world doesn’t need another me-too anything.
So with less than one year of operations, I decided to sell a business that appeared to be full of success and promise. This was a hard decision, since the business was making money and growing rapidly. But I knew that it wasn’t my destiny. I knew that I needed to let go of one opportunity in order to seize a bigger one.
Letting go is never easy, especially when things are “okay.” Many people find themselves in “okay” jobs, “okay” relationships, and living “okay” lives. It takes boldness and courage to let go of the known to pursue the wonder and magic of what’s possible.
As human beings, fear often immobilizes us and keeps us grounded to the “okay.” But then we eventually look back – filled with regret that we never went for it. Never took that big risk. Never chased down our true potential. We end up playing it “safe”, only to realize that playing it safe is the riskiest move of all. Because playing it safe gets in the way of your real trajectory and robs you from reaching new heights.
We all have “to do” lists. What would be on your “letting go” list? What are the things you need to release in order to make room for the new? What are you clinging to out of habit or perceived safety that has lost its enduring value?
Sometimes, you simply need to let go. You must let your own grit and determination become your new safety net. And in the process, you’ll make room for the possibilities while liberating your spirit.